Sunday, February 04, 2007

Woke up at the usual time. As always, after I woke up I would just stay in bed and watch out the window. The sun was so bright and the wind from my fan really is cooling. Until my sister came in and said something while holding up a tin a Whiskers. Cat Food. She was going to feed the cats again. How long it's going to take now. I shut my eyes again.

Later, again my sister came in an this time she was asking about the gray eyeliner. I got up wanting to look for it but she said it was okay. I got up and was thinking of going out for awhile. Before that, I turned on the tv and watched Gundam Seed Destiny. Sigh. The good old shows. Can't believe I cried on one episode. Took a shower and called Shid-chan. She wasn't home. Sufy answered. Told him I wanted to go over for some scanning. I took my time to put on my clothes as I watch the hindi movie which was on. None of the actors or actresses I know. I called Sufy. Told him I feel kind of lazy so not going over. 10 mins later, I called him again and told him I'll be going over. I put on my clothes and got out the room.
There was a phone call for dad. It was from a health care centre. They wanted something from dad. He then asked me if I could scan it to them. I asked him again then to double confirm. To scan or to fax? He checked with the caller again and later passed the phone to me. The caller asked me if I could scan it and email to her. I could. I took down her email address and went off to across the road.

Got there and first thing, I scanned the forms and emailed it to the health centre. Once done, I went on to scanning my own stuffs. Same time, thinking on what I should do after that and listening to my playlist.. Going home would mean just laying in bed watching tv or reading my book. Went on updating ConfessionConnected as I ate up the potato puff served by Sufy. As I was almost finishing, I was still thinking on what do I want to do next. Suddenly, Sufy just came beside asking me if I was free and what would I be doing later on. Nothing. I am going to be doing nothing. I am bored. And so he asked me, "Let's go gym?". Waah... I wasn't really in the mood to go. Some more, once I'm back home I'd be lazy to go out again. Told him there'll be pack of people at the time. It was 6pm and it's a Saturday. So he suggested on going to that new park opposite the Yishun stadium.
I wanted to go there. Renn-chan wanted to go there. I said, okay. But Sufy said have to wait til 6.30pm as he was watching X-Men Evolution. I joined him watching the cartoon and went to watch Boiling Point as he went to change.

We walked all the way there. It was a nice feeling. The wind was great. It's called, Bottle Tree Park. The walk was great. Sufy had been there with sisters though, so he knows the place. He showed me around and told me about the ongoings of the place. We look at big fishes. At kids trying to catch small fishes and Lots of patient people who seem like stress but maybe not just sitting or standing. They were prawn-fishing. One guy has caught quite a number while are just some spacing out. We went on walk to see more Bottle Trees. Many would remember Bottle Tree if they've watched Princess Hours.
Walked all the way to the car entrance and we visualized it to the extend that the park is the kampung house at Kulai. It was a nice imagination we had. Or I had, I should say. We went out and turned left. I was curious on what building was there and I couldn't read the sign. We went in nearer and read it and we saw a path on our right. Further in we went, there were abandoned houses and more high grass. Sufy of course weren't scared of it. But since it was already 7pm, I was feeling a little uneasy. Sufy was telling me not to think of anything and pretend not to hear anything. I did my best. Before that while were walking towards that building I want to see, we were walking pass an empty house. What I saw was the doors were closed BUT when I walked pass it there was a creeking sound of the door like as if it is swing open slowly. It was a loud one. I got scared but cool down as Sufy kept telling me it was nothing as he too had heard it. Instead we ignored, thanks to Sufy, we turned in to the remote path. We went further in to find more abandoned houses with trees grown on the walls and grass getting higher. As we walked further in, Sufy was trying to scare me that the snakes are going to come out. I made a joke out of them and ignored them. I saw 2 couples jogging further in. They later went on to another path. As we went to the path the couple went, we saw the path going in further. We stopped at the opened area as we looked around. We can see the road from there and more abandoned houses. It was the algriculture area before but they have moved to the other side. So whatever wooden houses there were all abandoned. Except for most are houses which are seem to be abandoned like since kampung times!
Sufy wanted to go to the path where the couple went which they already nowhere to be seen. It was like that they have been swallowed by the path. I insisted that e go back because of the timing. As we walked back, I neither look left nor right. I was just walking straight. We went back in to the park and took a sit to chill. There we were just sitting and talking. Same time, looking at those kids playing around at the swing.
There were 2 brothers swinging too hard that the swing fell back. The unreasonable thing was the older brother wasn't helping. I really wanted to give him a piece of my mind. Instead his younger brother and sister (which is like so small and petite and could be only 5 years old) was trying to carry up the swing. The stupid big brother was just not trying at all. Later, a lady came and helped. Once the swing was back up, the older brother sat back there. He didn't even say thank you. !!!!Kids nowadays really knows no courtesy!

I came back home. Had my shower and settled on dinner. Watched Naruto, Bleach, Death Note and Nana. Sigh. Love those shows. Still ongoing.

Coffee. My headache's gone. Mom is telling me to stop drinking coffee and she is checking on me. I'm trying. But I feel I'm getting fits if I don't drink them.

Renn-chan told me about Once In A Summer. Going to watch it with mom.