Friday, March 31, 2006

Bila Kau Tiada by Nurul & Ajai

Aku jadi resah bila kau tiada Melihat sekeliling apa adanya
Hanya wajahmu bermain di sisi Ku manusia... manusia harus begini

Harus ku rasai apa kau rasa Bila kau tiada aku sengsara
Tepikan segala keraguanku Manusia... manusia harus alami

Kerana aku cinta padamu Kerana aku mengharapkanmu
Berikan kesempatan Pada diriku yang merindu
Yang merindu bila kau tiada

Tak daya melawan rindu di hati Ubati resah ini oh kekasihku
Jangan biarkan ku sendiri lagi Aku jemu... aku jemu tanpa wajahmu

Biarlah semua kita rasai Agar kita tahu apa ertinya
Cinta yang tersemai di sanubari Demi cinta
Demi cinta... ku lalui segalanya

i want to emo2 jiwang... y!? cannot ar!

got it from yammie's.... love de pixs....

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

masih terserlah wajah ayumu

Cepat benar engkau pergi Hujan masih belum berhenti Banyak benar soalan ku tadi Hatimu terusik kini... ooo Sebagai kekasih ku Layak aku bertanya Sekuat mana cinta mu Adakah insan lain di hati mu selain ku

Sayang bukannya sehari dua Percintaan kita ini Yang dipersudah dipateri Sayang jangan ikut perasaan Marah jangan disimpan Ku hanya ingin menduga Dan kini aku tahu Satu kekasihmu hanya aku

Marilah kasih aku dendangkan Lagu yang pernah mencuri hatimu Ooo.. marilah kasih biar kusimbah Api kemarahan yang membakar di benak Di benak mu...

Terpaksa ku berlari Memintas mu dari pergi Akan ku belai rambut mu yang basah Masih terserlah ayunya wajah mu Walau pun marah Walau pun marah, ayu wajahmu
Masih terserlah... ooo...
Ayu wajahmu...

- Exist

Monday, March 27, 2006

mungKiN [maybe]

we had a really good time yesterdae. tt answers to why i couldnt go to work earli today. muahaha!! well, not realli. wanted to watch V for Vendetta but the time were all too late, so we caught Dorm instead. the Thailand horror movie. oh well. so much for horror. but it was a realli nice movie.
Before the movie, had a meeting wif baby's fren, kama to sign up for my insurance things. Yup... I did it. There are more which i would still consider for later in the future.... Baby insisted on having teacher aishah to join us for dinner and not known to her, we have other plans aLong.
After the dinner, we brought her to k-box @ suntec for a karaoke session. it was GREAT! it FUN! and me, with the sore throat, was having so much fun too. muahaha!!! bubbly cous shasha was realli cute and she was realli rawking the place tt it brought laughters for bothe baby and me. things were all going so great and so fun and i realli wish we could do it again and i'm sure that we would be... in the future.... anyway, i chose Anuar Zain's Mungkin. me and shasha love the song and de karaoke video was the music video itself. Watching the video, singing aLong to the soNg really brought me to teaRs... It was realli touching.

Some things are realli emotional to me and something i'm experiencing would realli relate to some tune. i am hoping for the best as we have said earlier. things are going to be fine and we would go through things together and im yours no matter what. i know you've said tt last part jz to m8k me joy and i knw u are worried of me. but Do u know i'm worried of you more....i'll wait for u....
Biarkanlah saja diriku sendirian tanpamu
Biarkanlah aku merindu sekian lama
Bukan maksud untuk membisusepi tanpa kata
Terpisahnya kita kerana mengejar impian

Mungkinkan bersama dua jiwa ini
Dalam mencari cinta sejati nan suci
Mungkinkah segala derita di jiwa
Akan terabat kini

Biarkanlah saja diriku sepi tanpa kata
Terpisahnya kita kerana mengejar impian

Hanya satu pintaku
Sabarlah menanti
Ku kan pulang bersama

Mengapa Harus Cinta by Vince

Mendungnya pagi ini Bagai memahami erti Lambaian lembut mu Memisahkan kita
Hati pernah bersatu Kasih pun terbina Namun cita membawamu Oh jauh dari ku
Mengapa harus cinta Perlu ada yang berpisah oh oh Tak ku, mungkin mengerti
Mengapa harus kasih Pastikan jua berakhir oh sayang Tak sanggup ku menanggung pilu ini
Masih di fikiran Pertama mata bertemu Di hati terasa Oh debaran cinta
Keayuan wajahmu Merdunya suara Kini tinggal oh kenangan Hingga ke akhirnya
Ikhlas ku berdoa Pada yang Esa Kan ku kenalApa erti selamanya

Sunday, March 26, 2006


waiting for my baby to pick me up right now. woke up eari this morning to go shen siong wif mom. had to wake up yammie few times b4 she finally wakes up.

me and mom now talking abt kain songket. there's a purpose now. i've asked mom and dad to go Terengganu. Yesh, gonna pulled yammie aLong too. im gonna bring my family up somewhere. somehow....

Saturday, March 25, 2006

99.9%... hit it aLreadi!

muahaha!!! best! i was sick and this time, i thought i had enough rest but i guess i didnt. i was having fever the whole day on thursday tt i felt bad to leave my officer aLone to do de investigation. so, i stayedand helped him despite others telling me to go for mc. oh well, i did though. the next day. and being sick, resting, in bed de whole day after taking each meds, realli, oh boy!
i hate de moment.

my voice is slowly recovering back. every morning, my throat hurts badly but after tt, after it all clears, my throat's fine. just feeling uncomfortable with all those phglems inside. still getting them out. bluekz!

i feel better now. after so much rest but too bad, it's saturday today and sunday tomorrow. cant go back to work.

watching APM 2006 last night. i didnt knw abt it until mom turned it on, tts when i sat down at de sofa to watch it, while waiting for meself to doze off.
cant watch pLaSma right now cz it's dead again. still can be watch but i dn wnt dad to get a replacement now as it still can be watch. Well, maybe i'll get my own replacement though. Once I have enough money. But come to think of it, I seem to have lots of things I want to have and need.

Anyway, I'm going back to my room right now and read up whatever book there is for me to read. I'm bored. I hate it. Being broke and no work to go.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

work.... work...

my engr officer asst is so cute. i'm naming him winnie the pooh. why? he looks like winnie the pooh and he sound like winnie the pooh. muehehe!!! i assisted him de whole day today and oh boy! as im typing this... my eyes are getting sleepy. im getting drowsy... oh boy! oh boy! oh boy!

i better go lie down....

Monday, March 20, 2006

i want psp & a nu phone!

hello ppl.... missing my baby like always.... working's tiring. training. scary. bt did oKay. went back to work on saturday and on sunday too. after work, went off to sallyn's. went down to IMM wif her and Af. muahaha!!! Af was so cute and naughty and carrying him alone was realli like an exercise training for me. my arms now are aching. i feel like im carrying some weights. toLd sallyn, i'll anytime go over and look after Af and carry him aRd. muahaha!!! he realli cute la... wnt to pinch pinch his cheeks. he's learning to walk though.
i had a great time wif sallyn and Af.
went off back home after de tRiP from IMM due to sleepiness and tiredNesS.

@ woRk 2daE, i feLt so sLeepy tt i aLmost wnt to faLL asLeeP while continue reading de training guiding books. thank goodness for teabreak, i quickly grab a cup of coffee.... =) i felt better after tt cz i had work to do by then.... yeaH!

after woRk, it was raiNing bt still managed to hv dinner wif baBy. i was reaLLi huNgRy. oh yeah! aNd i was fuLL. nothing much in sembawang shopping centre but tt skl uniform shop is sTiLL deRe... oh yeah.... anybody still buy skl uniforms there? haha

Saturday, March 18, 2006


happy bdae to kak yaya.... radiah...? rhadiah...? radhiah..? i forgot how to actualli spell her name. bt she is known as YAYA!!! yaya!! muehehe~!! haPpy 19TH birtHdaY to her... my liL couz~ muackZ!!!

im so sleepy.... supposingly meet up sallyn bt didnt. change to tmr. went over to shidah's after work. i had.... waffles wif ice-cream & caramel toppings, grilled chickens with peppers, pizzas, fruit punchs and coffee wif carameL~ niCe right... yar! i so de full. it totally covers my lunch and dinner and supper. baby told me to be prepared for my training cz i gettin buLat aLreaDy. mom also said i getting de buLat liao. then ltr 14th gg out for makan again. Wah~*~

i so de tiRed... wnt to sLp ~ZZZZzzzzzz~~~***

Friday, March 17, 2006

missing you....

10yrs ago i had a surgery. and almost everyday, mom made me drink this tonic soup, made of ginseng and haruan. i knw dts de fish, haruan. but, i did not knw dt de english name for ikan haruan is.... Snake Head fish. knwing it now, i dn ever wnt another surgery. well, u cn use de fish to cook other dishes too la but, i aint gonna cook it.

mom bought me some small french breads, meat slices & cheese to make sandwich to bring to work. yay!
work has been good. although im still under training. at least, im doing good. still a new face at work, still getting acquaintant to some ppl there. found one veri friendly one, one veri soft one and others, still slowly slowly getting to knw. nothing major gg on yet bt still, im working good.
2dae, im feeling a lil kick in me. wonder wt got into me. i came to work, i went to de staff lounge for a hot cup of coffee, waited for de bell. started work after tt and teabreak time, i jz relax at de same corner. lunchtime, i went down to causeway pt, got mcd and ate while i walked back to de interchange to t8k bus back to work and i made it in time. jz 5mins b5 work starts. yay!
i didnt go for de evening teabreak as there were lots of work to do. i continued working and kept on looking at de time. tot of doing an hour OT bt i had to give way to my colleague for de measuring instrument i was using. and since i onli had little time wif baby today, i went off for dinner wif him at Siam Kitchen. de kway teow i ordered, whoa! HOT SIAK! baby said my face was turning red. bluekz!
had a little chat wif him for a little while b4 gg off.

came back to an empty apartment. well, mom was in de room bt ltr she went out to cold storage.
sigh... i think i better go turn in as for tomorrow i had to work.. BUT, after i transfer my mp3s... bluekz

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

1st time of de dae....

1st day of work. i like it de fact tt it's in woodlands. there are few buses tt goes there and de frequencies of de feeder are fast too. de onli thg is, i better don't late la. haha! yess! at work, 1st half of de day was just orientation and briefing. 2nd half of de day, sitting at my desk and reading up training books. all need for my knowledge. need to t8k note of them. onli manage to read 2 books. sigh.

after work, met baby at causeway where i went down to civic centre's library to return and look for a book on ms excel bt failed. went off to t8k photo after tt and off to al-ameen for dinner. called abang ipar down too. both me and abang were tired that our brains and and minds were whacking out. baby was de onli sane one there. haha. i wanted to ice-cream and abg ipar actualli went off to ntuc to get Deyrey's ice-cream. he said at 1st tt he'll buy and i cant choose. didnt knw he realli went to buy. he came back wif de big tub and it was Rocky Road. he said he wanted to get me something else bt dn hv. ltr, my milo shake also came. u knw how full i was... eating de ice-cream cz abang ipar wants me to eat it. hehe!!! THANK YOU ABANG IPAR! fed baby of my ice-creams. yup, on my milo shake also got ice-cream. nice right.

fell asleep on de way back tt baby had to send me back home, scaring tt i might miss my stop. mueehehe!! i wnt to t8k eat de ice-cream again.... ltr ar morning!
baby gg for blood test tomorrow. cant be with him and plus, it's his bdae....


Monday, March 13, 2006


had an outing the other day. i was not feeling well. but i was surprised too. well mainly shocked but it was expected onli tt i never expected it to be realli happening. apparently half of de day was not good but it turns okay by de other half of the dae. we were all good. i love my baby.

was resting de whole dae de next day. de weather realli hot man! i hated it. i slept almost de whole day i think. no! i read my book too!

2dae, i went for an interview at coffee bean hq. i seem to like it. being surrounded by cakes. u knw wt i mn but then, i came back, i got another job which i could gain more knowledge on. so, i decided to t8k on it and yeah! im going for it.
i'll be starting a new job tomorrow and i hope i'll do well in it.... *prays*

i think im gonna go fry some stuffs...

Saturday, March 11, 2006


i wasnt feeling so good yesterdae. all thanks to not enough sleep and waking up reali earli to go out. had an insurance-invetment briefing wif baby and frenz. i'm considering it though. it migh be good for me and de future but right now, im jz considering.
went off for an interview after tt. baby companied me. i had a test on ms excel and met up wif an engineer and i hope i'll get the job.
was realli hungry and tired. went home straight after tt. had brunch and had a nap straight away. my eyes realli couldnt take it. me and baby woke up around de same time. bt when i woke up, my whole head was in pain. it was so pain tt it became realli heavy. still i got up and had a shower, had dinner and later on took some paracatemol and ice cream soda. went off to bed and read my book. didnt took long where i got too tired and fell asleep. baby called for awhile and i went off back to sleep.
woke up feeling better. my head's feeling better. i could jz lie down and not feel any pain. i was feeling good.
looking forward to today's outing. baby bring his baby brother along. he's a cute little thing. wonder how things are gonna be. baby alreadi planned to go pizza hut haha!! since de day i said i wnt to eat pizza hut few weeks back.
wearing my new skirt today. yeah! like finally. but hor, im feeling kinda sleepy right now le... sigh... im drinking coffee and im suppose to be feeling awake not sleepy. plus the weather is like whoa! the heat is realli heating up. i need some windy moment man! where is the wind?
should i tie up my hair of let it down? guys of course would prefer to let it down bt i think i'll tie it up. it's like so hot out there. oh boy!
suddenly i dn feel the urge of going out cz yesterdae i forgot tt 2dae is baby's 2nd day off.

Friday, March 10, 2006

me NeoPet

look @ tt. at a moment of boredom, i got meself a Neopet.... muahahaha... it's an Aisha (whatever species tt is bt it's a neopet, u knw, like digimon and stuff) and her name is Zekigu.... basically I don't know what to do with it now but I think, it's gonna be abandoned. I don't know. Let's just one fine day, I might make use of her.

Species :
Colour : Blue
Gender : Female
Age : 0 hours
Level : 1

Health : 8 / 8
Mood : content
Hunger : bloated
Strength : strong
Defence : tough
Move : average
Intelligence : average

Thursday, March 09, 2006


anybody knws de anime Basilisk? well, i really like it the fact that they have nice music. downloaded the soundtrack and found realli nice music. The sound of the flute and everything are just so err.... dont knw how to describe but nice.

anyway, still have yet to go to the library. I've finished reading my book. maybe i'll drop by tomorrow. wanted to yesterdae but didnt cz baby was LATE.AGAIN! wanted to go today but was too tired.

on tuesday, had dinner with tj. it has been so long i've not seen him. haha!!! when he came to see me, he was wearing his work uniform. told him to let's jz go for de dinner wif de uniform bt he didnt want. he even brought his clothings and change.
b4 tt, babysitted aqilah wif yammie for a short while. she came while I was watching Shinobi. No subtitles but wth, i knw wt's happening anyway. So, the fightings were nice. not as detail as the anime la. like Duh!
yesterdae, picked up mom from hospital. there were relatives there. After the check-up, went to tekka market for brunch and bought veggies. got some tips from mom on how to make the basics of cooking ingredients and after that, went off back home. the whole day was realli hot that i felt realli sticky even after 2 cold showers.
came back home, watched anime, talked to kak sallyn and then went off for a short nap cz i knw baby will pick me up late. But i never thought that it'll be SO LATE that it got me pissed again. while we sat down over coffee, we had a talked abt our frenz and families and he told me that i'm a forgiving person. of course i am. i told him, if im not forgving, i would make a choice to tell him tt i dn wnt to go ut anymore cz he was late. he asked me y didnt i. well, because i made de choice of waiting cz im forgiving and im still patient. met xiong b4 we got to de coffee shop. i was nice to see him again. May and Xiong's sister was there too. Later on, I didnt realise they were at the same coffee shop and were 2 tables away from us. I saw another ex-colleague too. But didnt get to say hi to him cz it was just a glance and he was busy getting drinks and food for his girlfriend. I think. He still have the same stomach b4 he left the company. Muehehe!!!

2dae, met up with an ex-classmate, Maryann. We were in maths class. She stood me up for an hour but I had a nice meal when she got there. We talked about what we've missed out and all. It was all good and nice and fun talking to her again. She's moved and I'll be seeing her soon again, tt we stayed nearer. Hah!

I realli gotta lose those extra calories. I might get a heart attack anytime. Whoa!

I had another scary dream. Not the so scary one but this time it's like a dream that I had a miscarriage. And it's the 2nd time. And this time it's like.... my husband gg off for his overseas mission, i was running as fast as possible, when i got to the gate, he was alreadi in and i could onli see his back and walking away from me. his frens were there and they notice blood flowing down my leg. i looked down and suddenly i felt like fainting. i felt to the floor, his frens helped me and brought me to the hospital. i lose consiousness. when i got to the hospital, i go up and his frenz told me i had a miscarriage and i didnt even cry or feel anything at all.

Monday, March 06, 2006


had a realli nice day.... woke up at 8am in the morning! yess.... earli, realli. but! i stayed in bed and stayed asleep. finally got out of bed at 1pm. haha!! wt i did in bed for de 4-5 hrs? nothing much. but just simply thinking and going back to sleep and having dreams. continuatious. heh! got such word ar? "continuatious"?... okay... whatever.

waited for baby and he came exactly 2.30pm. oh boy! reached boat quay coffee bean's at 3.30pm. shasha was there alreadi. had our brunch and dessert there. talking nonsense mostly... like duh! then we discussed about the chalet, soming up with plans and ideas on what to do and what to bring and all. anybody have PS2 we could borrow for our chalet!? I PROMISE i will take good care of it! it was all fun. after almost 3hrs, err..or 2hrs?... we went off to look old change kee as shasha wnts to eat sotong. we got in to that shoes shop at peninsula... heh! not peninsula... dn knw la... shasha wnts to see the Pony shoes but there arent but we found pretty nice shoes. Klakowski. I think. a design from spain. they are very very nice shoes. they look really nice. no size for me and they all cost S$200+++. hmph! thk i buy a plin white sneakers and paint it meself! ltr on, walked all de way to bugis street as shasha wants bubble tea. she had a little trouble with the aunty but she got her bubble tea.

after she went off, me and baby start walking away and dazing off to don't know where. we ended up gg to glutton's bay, bought teh tarik take-away and sat by de stairs and drink up. looking at stars which don't look like stars. off to the big new marina square. i was starving for dinner and it was almost 10pm. made a waste trip dow to amk cz the halal western stall no more alreadi, i was pissed, tired and hungry, got to S11 and had mee goreng instead. IT WAS DELICIOUS... well, cuz i was hungry. like Duh!

came back, had a cold shower. So NiCe!... haha like ppl cares.... felt a little pissed after's not happy abt it too... sigh... dn like Harmuni rice. dn like it... realli dn like it.... buy Harmuni rice no more... ever.... i'm all done here... doing laundry here so tt ltr morning can dry out... i'm gg bankrupt soon....

Saturday, March 04, 2006

dis is diff.... hmph


Some people call you lazy, but that's simply not true. What you are is pessimistic. Regardless of the situation, you never fail to look on the dark side of things. You complain, bitch and whine constantly. But, you are strong and dependable. A true friend... at least, when it counts.

Why!? Why!? of all characters!

You are Sakura!
You are Sakura!

Which Naruto Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Friday, March 03, 2006


oh boy! i dn knw where to start. i had a nice evening wif baby, walking to al-ameen where abg ipar appeared late. sigh. bt it was nice sitting there cz it's always windy down there. yay!

went thru something i dn like, or shall i say we dn like. straighten tthings out. talked about it. clear things. we have a long way to go and there are going to be more things that are going to occur.

something happened today and it was bad. girlfren, angel helped me and it is all fine now. baby was unhappy but i assured him. things are going to be fine.

it is really windy outside and it is realli nice. angel said she smell rain and i told her that it will rain tonight cuz why? because i said so. muahaha!!!

i'm missing my baby right now. I wish baby would hit him as hard as possiblee til he die and that even his soul could not roam around anywhere.

i need my baby hug right now :(

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

dere's a WaY

i was feeling moody today. but i was feeling okay after that. onli for awhile but i was still feeling a little moody and hot because the weather's hot.

had lunch wif shasha at sakae. muehehe!!! feel so nice. had the lunch buffet. it was good. after that, made a trip to the cold storage and popular bookshop and then off i'm back home. came back, continued frying mom's vegetable curry puffs and then sent some to bik sal's place. there, hang around and had a chat with bik sal all the way til 9pm.

i'm back home now. feeling fresh after a cold shower. my eyes sleepy. going for an interview tomorrow. At the same company which I'm suppose to be working in now. so, what's the deal? I don't know! Urgh! I'm feeling frustrated!
received a call from tj. he'll be joining the Stress Club soon enough. I'm sure but I knw he'll get his way out sooner. I really wish the best for him.

I'm missing my baby. Yup! Who doesn't. Called him before I came back. He just got up and he sounded surprise when I told him it's 9pm already. I love him.

think i'm gonna eat some of the curry puffs before retiring to my room.

figuring things out

i've always been patience and tolerating over everything and until now, i am still doing those 2 things. it's a part of my life. i can get kan-cheong at times but i try not to show it all the time like back then.
i love you... i love you always... no matter what you are, no matter what you go through... i am a part of your life now and so yhat is how it is going to be.....