Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

ive been using the laptop the whole day today.... and im getting so use to it alreadi.... it used to be so hard for me to type as the keyboard is different mah.... so.... but now im so used to it ... de best thing is.... nothing went wrong when im using this laptop. although it realli looks like it's going to condemn anytime soon, i seem to have it under my control. im loving it and feel like having one now. Ushi said to wait for an IT Fair to get it but I doubt I have money to get it. Hahakz.... Maybe a cheap one will be okay. For my own personal use in my room and can run around to my sister's room when grandma's around.

Been listening to Kanjani8, KAT-TUN, NEWS ..... finally i listened to almost their albums. Wah! What a day.

Okay, now I feel like owning a laptop.

Wooho!! Kelly's back and I'm going to be on the way back ......

stiLL loving Kanjani8's Naniwa Iroha Bushi ...trance version to be exact.

Monday, March 17, 2008

I can't believe it! Absolute Boyfriend is adapted to live-action drama!!!!!! ...and I think Tenjo Night should be someone sexier and hahakz! Mizushima Hiro fits the role of Soshi Asamoto ....!!!!
Where is Kelly? Oh well, what does it matter? I'm so use to being alone anyway. Whether I'm out or in.

Was really in a sleepy mode yesterday. I thought I had enough sleep on Saturday but i guess I didn't. If only I didn't stayed up til so late on Sunday morning.

Was watching Honey & Clover. Was concentrating on it until my sister got up saying she can't sleep. Maybe she was nervous over the competition. So, she told me to put in Dreamboys 2006 into Naz's hard-disk. But when I want to, there was not enough space available. Saw my Takizawa Enbujou in it and decided to take a sneak peak as I've not seen it for quite some time. Ushi then said she wants to to preview the starting of Dreamboys 2006. She was quite persistent somehow. I had no choice but to turn it on. Somehow we ended up watching almost half of it. WHICH later one, Ushi decided to try and sleep. Not in her room but at the living room sofa. I then continued with the musical as I got stuck on it but later on when disc one almost finishing, I stopped and went on to the Showtime act of disc 2. It was almost 0630hrs and I couldn't take it. Ushi had to shower and prepare for her competition.
I went to sleep and she went for her competition. Later on in the morning, grandma came back and went jemputan with mom and dad. I got up to shower and watch Honey & Clover. Finally I finished it. Hadn't watch my animes for quite some time so went on for Naruto Shippuuden, D.Gray-Man and GUNDAM 00. Did the laundries before that.

Somehow, after watching GUNDAM 00 I felt rather sleepy. Went in my room to watch more animes on ANIMAX. By 2030hrs, I couldn't take it anymore and went to sleep. It went on until almost midnight where I need to take a leak and then off back to sleep until this morning at 0530hrs. Wah! I've never felt so good after waking up for a very long time.

Now I am just scared if I'm going to go back to alternate-days sleep again.

Isshun no Kaze ni Nare .... a good drama. Looking forward to the other 3 episodes.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Watched Kanjani8's Neoki Dokkiri. After that updated my iPod and off to the shower room. TO SHOWER LA! Then off to DBS for the transfer and then off to the bank and then off back home 30mins after Kelly came. Off to my room and watched Yukan Club and then off to the pc to watch Kanjani8's Janiben Okinawa Special as dad wants to vaccum my room. Later then off back to my room to get my change of clothings, off to the toilet to change and then off to get the phone to order pizzas for dad as his friend is coming over for a visit. After that, retreat to my room .... Covered myself with the blanket ...GoodNight.

GoodEvening... Off to the toilet and washed my face and brushed my teeth. Dad's friend just came over. Took a piece of the pizza, off to my room and watched Yukan Club. Dozed off for few minutes and dad's friend went back. I off to the pc to preview Dreamboys 2006 1st disc and ate more pizzas. Chatted with a friend over on MSN and got sleepy again.
It starts raining so the heavily.... it's GoodNight to me again.

GoodMorning ....I'm up. Freshen up. Washed my hair. Took a cold shower. Before that, watched Music Station to see Arashi's Step & Go performance and Kanjani8's news on M Topic. GoodNight for a few minute and now I'm all freshen up with a cup of coffee .... GoodMorning to me.

What is the time now? ..... 2319hrs.
current desktop wallpaper @ woRk

Friday, March 14, 2008

Late pay again this month. I got 2 reminders for my mobile bill for the month of February. One is by mail and another by sms. Oh boy! Getting late pays really sucks. I'm running out of transportation money and how am I going to survive?

Sigh..... Are they going to send it in soon? I am hoping to get it soon.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

How was my day today? It's been a cold day. I didn't sleep the whole night. Watched Detective Conan SP 2... I was really trying hard not to sleep. Kept drinking coffee and good thing I have something to do while I was on the net. Finally found the links for Dreamboy 2006 .... Hani-senpai! Yorushiku-onegaishimasu! Update SilverRiNA and kept listening to Subaru Shibutani's Mr. Travelling Man. It's the live-version cut from his appearance at Shounen Clup Premium.
Went to to work as usual but took a different bus this time and went on a different way. Went on a different route so that I would be awake and be like an exercise for me. But the problem is, my cheque is not here yet and my transportation money is so running out. ..And I am so not going to buy the mee goreng at International Plaza again. A small pack and it's SGD2.50 .....I was ketuk. ~Sedih aKu~!
Work was ok. Ok I guess. I don't know. I was in a fix. I was really thinking so hard. Thinking every minute. I even lied down at the damn hard cold sofa to think that I ended up falling asleep and awoken by a slight scream that I made. It was scary. I was wondering what happened while I was napping. I got up after that I found a solution. ..... Solution is on the course right now. Hope it concludes soon.
It has been raining non-stop ever since noon. BY almost 1700hrs, the rain seems to be going on. Before it gets heavier, we dashed out and we made it in time.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

it's only been 3 days ... My dad is now restless and bored.

Friday, March 07, 2008

Today I find myself rather uncomfortable. I know that period of time is coming again soon but I don't know when. I felt really uncomfortable with everything surrounding me. I look left, something is not right. I look right, something is not right. I look up and down, something is not right. I went back to the office... Something is not right. I went out and something is not right.
When I was going back, I crossed the road over to the other side as the usual to take my bus. But at the big path there where its for people to walk, there is annoying indian family standing spread out right in the middle of them path. Ignoring them, I went in to 7-Eleven to get Magnolia's Triple Chocolate milk. Having a promotion currently, 2 for SGD2.45. ... Happy that I got the milk, I walked out of 7-Eleven and walked to the bus stop. As I was walking, the same indian family were walking around me and we were walking towards the same direction. I thought they are taking the bus but NO!
I sat down while waiting for the bus while THEM... in the middle of the bus-stop.... Spread out and hail for taxis.

Just where the hell are they from?

I was really annoyed by just looking at them. Here were are a whole lot waiting for our bus at the bus stop and there they are hailing for taxis. What the hell they are thinking? Where are they from?
But ..... few minutes before the bus came.... I was smiling to myself..... Two taxis actually slowed down but they didn't stop. They just went pass those family.

~AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! the guy who was hailing it looked really pissed when the taxi went pass him. Serves him right!

They walked off further after that. I wonder where. I hope they open their eyes and see that there's a taxi stand further up because (it was 7 plus pm) over at the taxi stand at the time always have loads of taxis lining up.
Are they waiting for someone to sound them? It's common sense that you don't hail for a taxi at the bus stop.

Later when I board 851, I was smiling and shaking my head at the old man sitting in front of me. His friend was sitting at the other side of the bus. As I was settling myself down, he was playing around with his handphone and snapping pictures of his hand. Uncle power ar! And he was laughing softly to himself after snapping his friend's picture. He must be really happy to be able to use the handphone's camera.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Once again she became an all-nighter. It's getting scary. Idon't know how to say. But her answer is quite childish. I admit that she don't use the internet like us and like us who watch our shows on the internet, she watches her shows on the tv so I can't quite argue with that. Today was at 0400hrs. Sometimes it goes up all the way to 0500hrs.
Her answer are always ..."He is working morning shift, so I won't be able to watch my show." ....
But... She's always in my room when it's available and even when he is on evening shift or early night shift, she seems to be still on tv. It's like she's watching the repeats over and over again.
If she can laze around watching her shows all day long so why I can't laze around and watch my shows. Plus I watch them on the internet. ..Also compare the timing of me spending in front of the pc (not excluding at work), it doesn't even go more than 9 hours straight.
She can turn on the tv like 9 hours straight with her channel on. I wonder when is Kuro is going to explode. The only time I manage to watch something on Kuro fully was playing Tekkonkinreet. ...Just 2 and half hours of excitement on Kuro.

It is March two thousand and eight now. it is fast that two months have past for the year 2 0 0 8 . It is very scary isn't it. I don't know what is going to the future although I want to know how it is going to be.

It is five thirty a m in the morning right now. The weather has been kind of cold lately. It has been raining in the Northern areas. It's hard to do the laundries and I hate doing laundries when it's raining the whole day.

Now what shall I do to past my time before I shower and run out of the house?

Ushi's sleeping in my room today. She doesn't seem to be waking up even when I'm calling her out. I even watched The OC while she's in dreamLand.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Listening to Tackey & Tsubasa is like listening to Kinki Kids..

i don't have anything to say. i don't have anything to do. i only have things to think. but thinking a lot is not good. I think. there i go... thinking again. how has been my two thousand eight been starting? it started good i guess. but going into now already in m a r c h i don't know how it is going to go. it's up to me now. either to rust or shine. either to die or live either to listen or not.

there i go babbling about again because i feel that my blog is getting empty and somehow i need to blog something. if there is no blog then what is a blog for? it's for us to type out every little thing you are thinking about. whether they are rational or irrational, just put them up. no need to have good language or not. but not until so bad language.

Takizawa Enbujou was good. Takky is a fan of Koichi Domoto so I can guess he is following his idol's footsteps to do the stageplay. Based on Japanese histories and the dramas he acted in.

Did I take in too much caffeine? Maybe not. Mom is out on her check-up today. She have another one tomorrow. Dad is back to work today but I think his surgery will be on this Thursday.

Listening to Tackey & Tsubasa..... So much time already never listen to them. Construction is beginning everywhere. Both at home and at work. Constructions everywhere. It is very the noisy. Can't sleep, can't wake. Want to bring my sound louder, later need to answer phonecalls. So must everything to the limit. Understand?