Wednesday, June 29, 2005


it was cold when i woke up this morning at 0430hrs. i look at the sky, it was red. the wind was blowing and it was cold. i thought, oh no, it's gonna rain. when i go to work, it's gonna rain. i went back to sleep. and when i woke up an hour later, it looks like de sky's back to normal again. the wind wasnt blowing again. an hour later, when i finalli got up, no more strong wind, no more red sky. it was back to normal. i guess, the weather has changed their schedule to rain in de later evening. oh boy, it's gonna sucks then. but thank god i have my umbrella.

im off to work now. bye bye!!

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

totalli whack!

i didnt realise it until my history classmate told me about it. our history and science paper 2 happened to be on the same day, same date, same time. idiotik! totalli! he told me he alreadi called MOE and they gave a lame excuse to drop 1 paper. it's either my science or history. totalli idiotik! and u knw wt, NO REFUND! it's totalli idiotik. singapore government is realli a money-grabber. this money-grabbing country! idiot u!

ha ha.... mne thinks that i'm Indonesian. when i told them i'm singaporean, they jz sad ok without disbelieve. they thought im indonesian cz i could speak malay. cz, if they think im a singaporean, i would be a chinese. ha ha. so, i came up with a thing, if ppl ask, i'll say im indo-chinese and i cn speak malay but i cant speak chinese. ha ha. idiotik.


went to watch initial d for de 2nd time.

got mc for todae and still having fever. back home now, gonna take de meds before i shower and than off to sleep straight after that. hopes i'll wake up for work tomorrow morning.

tj worries me this evening. his fever temperature rises and suspects dengue fever. but thank god, he is fine. it's juz a high-er fever. from 38 deg to 40 deg. he's lying down in de hospital bed now. i hope he'll be okay soon. miss him. hope to hear from him tomorrow morning.

it's time for me to shower now. i hate flu. i hate fever i dn mind getting fever with cough and sore throat. but, im having all. flu and fever. it's sickening. i mn, when was de last time i was totally sick? i remember that time i had a totalli high fever of 39 deg and my gums all became swollen and i was having a hard time eating solid foods that i've to resort to porridges.

tomorrow working. hell again.



miss my da.

Monday, June 27, 2005


no title for today. don't know. i can't think of anything. my brain's almost explode. was down with fever the pass few days and survive on some pills i got from a company doctor in amk. not so good. didn't get enuff rest. thought was feeling okay on saturdae but on that night, still feels de same.

kenduri on sunday. down with fever still. no choice but to help ard. but in de afternoon, i took de meds and went off to sleep. others went for a nap too. i saw shidah. she was sicky too. ha ha. i was sneezing all de way and coughing and she was sneezing all de way too. and she was finding tissues all de way. my head was so heavy that i have to stay still and cool de whole night. til de kenduri almost finished, people chatting about, i was alreadi lying down. didnt help in de kitchn like always did. yammie did. i simpy jz changed, took my meds and slept.
was smsing wif my darling b4 dt and i was happy but still miserable.

this morning, woke up, smsing continues and on to talking on de phone with tj. he's down with fever too. and he's in camp. poor him.
i went to de clinic and oh boy, my queue number was 40 and when i got there, it was onli 20. had to wait for like an hour. went to macdonalds and bought 2 burgers and ate them while waiting for me turn.
i was listening to my mp3 all de way, til a song finishes, i heard something. i turned, and it was raining heavily. oh boy! but thank goodness, it wasnt raining anymore when i was going back.

head back home straight after got my meds and mc, had my meds, read a book and de drowsiness came and i slept.

oh boy. i feel so miserable.
even now my body still feels like it's shaking. in fact, it is shaking. even when i'm eating jz nw, i was shaking. it was scary.

i hv to finish the antibiotics.

Saturday, June 25, 2005


I've watched it. Initial D. Jay Chou. Edison Chen. Not much of Edison or Shawn Yue but more on Jay Chou, or shall I say Takumi Fujiwara. It was absolutely cool. It was fun. It was interesting. It was so power. I was saying that the movie was power. My cous, he thought the movie was POW-WOW! haha!!! The rasing were all so exciting. The first race looks kinda scary. I mean, the part where Takumi 1st time beat someone. Those who loves racing, this may just be a cmmercial movie to you but it's a nce movie to relax on. Especially the racings. The visualizations. All oh so nice. The movie is all 1st Stage - 3rd Stage of the animes in one. It was exciting. Althought it was dubbed in mandarin, it's still a nice movie.

Maybe I should do like my colleague did. Go to JB and watch it in it's original language, Cantonese. Well, my colleague, he's a hong konger. and he don't understand malay. Eh! wrong! Mandarin.

Maybe I could go watch it the 2nd time. he he... who knows. So da! how? hehe

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

it's skary

i tested my right eye and i can see the lights, de alphabets, de numbers. when my left eye was tested, i can see NOTHING. i can onli see a patch of lights. all de numbers and alphabets jz turn into one patch of light. i cant even read anything but jz one whole big thing up there. it was skary. my mother was shaking her head all de way when i told her abt the test. my sista was like, "finally" when i told her i made my glasses.

after work, went off to make my glasses and after that, it was not even 7pm and so, i took my time to get down orchard where i would meet fida for dinner. i took my whole own sweet time and there was fida smsing me trying to some kind like hurrying me and yet, her bus was late. yes, her buses were late. unfortunately. but, we had quite a mouhtful of food. we were full. than, as always, we would ind a place to sit and talk cock. i wanted starbucks and we went to starbucks. fida fell while we were on the way to starbucks. it was scary. it was like so sudden. it's like i was talking to her, no, she was talking to me, and in less than a sec, she was sitting beside me. whoa! i had espresso frap /w whip-cream (a long time i have not had it!) and the warm chocolate cake. YUMMY! got angel to meet me there as she wanted to go back together.

i found out that Vincci is available in Singapore and there are 2 outlets. *yells* FIDA! YOU SHOULD HAVE TOLD ME EARLIER!!! 1 in citiLink and he other in Harbourfront. am gonna go dwn there on friday and i hope i get something. oh yeah! baby! oh yeah! baby! oh yeah!!!

missing my da.... hope he's doing fine...

Initial D.... Initial D..... Initial D....

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

kinda dark.....

...with the weather all raining since earli morning and no sun.

i am somehow still not satisfied with my layout. now i feel it's kinda kiddy. sometimes i feel it's not. i still feel i wnt something simple.

well, this is simple isnt it. haha

well, i dn knw. ... back to I don't know again.


talk to my baby. he's all over there yawning and training.

miss tj.

some things i dn realli miss.

i read a book called One More Story To Tell. it's about Singapore. well, de olden times and every single things and buildings and people. dad bought it and left it on de coffee table, so, i took it and read it too. he he. i'm almost finishing there. all de way to de chapter on Tanjong Pagar. The next one will be Tiong Bahru.

gonna have my date tomorrow wif Fida dear. Long hv not met up wif her. Hope instead of Sakura, we'll go Cahaya or Puncak la, k.

Monday, June 20, 2005

beautiful SouL

basikally, i barely do anything today. hey, it's a sunday. what'd u expect? i woke up earli today but i was feeling fine. i watched animes, watched movies, had my breakfast-cum-lunch. i wanted to read some book but i didnt. the weather's been hot lately. i can't stand it. it's realli realli horrible. I cant stand it.

went over to cous's place and discuss some things and went thru a topic which i was totalli clueless. my maths thing. it's realli complicated. it was horrible, but we managed. i mn, i managed. helped her set some things and i hope i'm not she's not all surprise all about it, and i hope she's all fine with it. Sha dear, hope everything will go on fine for you. wanted to go back, but still hang out wif aunt salmah and talked for hours as always. as usual.

smsed with tj and talked to tj over the phone for awhile. it was nicey. he helped me lookout for some things too. so sweet u, dar... ha ha ha.

i've took my medication, am gonna sleep now. in my mp3 players, lots of old songs. talking abt old times. those boybands and girlbands songs and also some rock pop songs. the old ones. those when i was in my teen years. gonna bring back some memories.

okay, working tomorrow. gonna be dragful. cant wait for payday. gonna make a pair of glasses for me. i'm getting tired of depending on my right eye. it's getting tired.

missing my baby. goodnight and good morning to all of u.

muakz muakz

Sunday, June 19, 2005

lurve ya'll

Beauty Shop was whacked and slammin' & The Pacifier was just incredible. Yup! Watched 2 movies & some animes straight and I've been in stuck in front of de pc.

i'm gonna go refresh meself up and do some things.....

Saturday, June 18, 2005

selfish me

yea I am. selfish, stubborn, childish. i am all. best of all, im temperamental. yes i am. it's hard to control my feelings sometimes that it makes others pissed. i am sorry for that. especially my "da". ha ha....

it was funni. i didnt realli notice it at 1st but tj did. they sound so sweet. sometimes i think, even gays nowadays can be such loving couples that normal couples cant.

you know what i mean.

Thursday, June 16, 2005


2dae i'm in pain. as always, whenever ppl talk to me or call me out, they either hit my left arm or my right arm. sometimes my shoulders. damn pain, u know! than, some more today, i was hit on my chest! my CHEST le! some more, oj's elbow hit my chest. he wasn't careful and his elbow hit my chest! and yet! even more worse! tj tried to hit my chest again! bloody hell all you people! only know how to make people hurt!

i'm gonna live in my dream world anytime soon. wonder what kind of dream it's gonna be tonight but oh well, i hope it's gonna be something that's gonna make me wake up with cold pespirations.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005


Before I go to sleep, I would like to say, there's a song out there which can cure your broken heart. Not only when your heart is broken or not but when you're feeling down and when you're feeling frustrated or whatever, listen to the Crazy Frog Song.
I saw an animation of de crazy frog before and it is crazy and it is irritating, but it somehow makes you laugh. and Now, i hear there's a song and it has dt crazy frog in it and it's playing on Perfect 10 98.7 fm. I find it rather irritating and was wondering what the hell t is doing in de radio. Even my colleague thought so. & I never though I downloaded it. Thanks to my cousin, Shasha. Haha!!!
I added in my mp3 player but didnt dare listen to it outside. When I was on my way back just now, I tried to listen and I was laughing to myself while in he bus. Thankfully nobody saw me laughing as I was trying to cover myself up and hiding my laughters. Haha!!!!

People, go ahead and get that downg and listen to it. It's interesting.

Think I want to get the song from OJ ar. Ha ha...

I've taken my meds and will be dozing off anytime soon. I am feeling sleepy too anyway.

My hair is still wet. Sigh. Gonna towel-dry some more later or I'll have neck cramps and headaches again tomorrow morning when I wake up.


i don't know what to write for my title today. simply i know that i slept at 2000hrs after taking the medicine and doze off after watching samurai 7. somehow i felt like 95% of de medicine kind off paralysed my whole body and especially my eyes. bt that 5% doesnt seem to be working. i still felt awake and was tossing and turning. although i kept waking up, i still managed to doze off afer a while. most of de time i was tossing and turning was during dad was watching dvd, which after that, i fell fully asleep. than, i woke up to an incoming message at abt 2200hrs. i went back to sleep. de next one was at 0530hrs and later at 0600hrs where i finally woke up 30minz later to go to work.

total sleepness, abt 10hrs. should have said estimating la. not total.

at tj's desk now. he's off to de doctor. me had me lunch alreadi. a it of de mee goreng mom made last night. didnt realli feel like eating it but it was nice feeling there. the meats were nice. instead of chickens. ive had enough if them.

sigh. gg back to my desk later. gonna feel bored and oh boy, try to act busy again.

the weather's kinda cold and de offices and store and productions here, brr... cold too. the aircons are realli strong.


Tuesday, June 14, 2005


dtz what de weather was like when i woke up this morning. i had slight fever. didnt go to work. went to see de doctor jz nw and i thout i was okay bt i was still having fever. tj forbids me to go skl and told me to rest instead. took de med before heading home and i've been drowsy eversince. oh boy, i'm still drowning but having something to eat 1st before i get away from this world.

hope shasha gets dt g-string.

Monday, June 13, 2005


Sometimes I wonder why there are some people who can be so idiotik. so what if i'm going out with a guy. so what if that guy is my boyfriend. well, some people loves talking around and assuming. what if that guy is just my boy friend. and there is nothing between us. and yet, some people are scared to to go out with me as their friend. well, i am their friend but they somehow feels kinda worried and scared over nothing. tj finds it rather shallow. i find it rather ridiculous. as tj said, worry more about other things which are more worth it. it's true. i find that so true.

Woke up at 7am. Didnt feel like going to work but still did. Morning feels kinda weird. Monday bLuEs. weLL, that's what everybody would blame on if it's a monday. lunch time was okay. had my piece of papaya as always. allowed tj to dig my ears and he was so happy, jumping with joy. might gonna let him dig it too when i get lazy. haha...

dad's watching Constantine now. He rented it.

I hope I get through this O Level. I want to make it. Please make me make it. I am going to make it. What if I not? .... I'll try again.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

eeK! Sunday.

Companied mom to the hospital to see my grandaunt. She's realli weak. She's become smaller and she was sleeping when we came. Chit-chat with other family members whom we seldom met. After that, went over to Tekka Mall. Mom said she wanted to go Shen Siong and I thought it was de one in Woodlands but NO! we went to the one at Tekka Mall at Little India. When we got there, I got kinda scared seeing all de Banglas and other Indians there on their day off. There were loads of them everywhere. I stayed cool and followed mom to the Shen Siong indoor wet market at the basement of Tekka Mall. And oh boy, cz it's in de indoor and 2 floor down to de basement, the smell of de fishes/prawns/crabs, etc smells. The smell was so strong that it's much worse than de smell of de wet market at outdoors. Than I saw an old couple buying a whole lot of frozen chickens wings. 2 trolleys full of them. Maybe they having some function going on. I don't know. But it was realli a LOT!

Went for dinner ar Burger King. Just went yesterdae and again 2dae. he he... Collected de tumbler again. But a different one. Hehe. Gonna bring one to work tomorrow. For extra cup to drink. He he. And on all dat trip, I somehow missed going out with mom for awhile.

Dad kinda watching a debative show on Malaysia's Ch, TV1. The debate and argued over an issue as if it is a damn big issue. Well, I don't know if it's a big issue or not but they're loud. They talked as if the microphones are not loud enough for the whole studio to hear.

Oh, I wore my England jersey for the 1st time and as tj looked at it, he said it's an original one. Hehe. It is? I didnt know. But I love the jersey. Dad bought it. And of all jerseys, England's white jersey is de nicest. And I believe, because of the jersey, many guys were looking at me. Both young and old. Their eyes were simply just on me. tj realised me too. and we just stayed cool. but, ha ha. tj thinks it's because of my boobs. and i said it's because of my jersey. i mean, the jersey was baggy for goodness sake, i'm not wearing a tight fitting tshirt. it's because of de jersey. de cool thing abt de jersey, i could wear it any way i wnt. 1 side it shows the England jersey and on de other side, it's an Umbro t-shirt.

im kinda not so sleepy now. maybe cz i've alreadi had an afternoon nap. woke up at 1100hrs. had breakfast and than watched my animes. I realised now I have lots to watch. ha ha!!!

im gonna miss my baby soon.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

...Seriously.... simpLe

like de saying goes, Ignorance Is Bliss. from the bottom of my broken heart, well, my heart was simply broken, i'll do my best to keep up my best behaviour.

i guess now i'm not in my best mood for awhile. i was yesterdae. work was okay. skl was great had a surprise swapping science subject on tuesday. instead on physics, it was chemistry. and we had to do a pratical test. it was realli surprising. i felt a little miserable dt dae bt i managed. wif de help of last weeks paper and my partner. hehe.

goodness, i'm feeling kinda miserable right now. not because of what happened at home. it was realli whoa. it became a national crisis for me. no magical wonder happen for me yet but i'll try my best to cover it up.

i'm feeling fresh right now due to yesterdae's earli sleep. i dn knw wt to do now. i've brought along some books, in case i'm bored. oh, i'm finalli wearing the England jersey that my dad bought me years ago. not realli years ago bt a long time ago. i remember it's long ago but not too long ago. im glad im wearing it now.

me all alone now. feeling miserable and sudden mood swing comes in. i feel i jz wnt to stay in my room and isolate myself right now. i'm a total crap right now. i feel like dying. and someone is carrying along his handphone with de mp3 on and it's sickening. it's killing me. it's unbearable. i feel like im being punish right now and i wnt to CRY!!!!!!

Sunday, June 05, 2005


i've always been bored. sometimes i feel like i'm trying to get more attentions from ppl but sometimes i feel i am so bad and i will always make others feel irritated. right? don't i? don't u think so? whoever u r.

i skipped maths class on thursday due to illness reason. dragged to by tj and dragged back by tj. had a chat for awhile after getting some meds and home i'm off to. showered, did malay revision and slept an hour later. It was a nice sleep. woke up earli the next morning and also for the next morning. i felt i had a nice rest. had mood swings for de past few days and today too but not so much as i's slowed down. had a nice chat on de phone with an ex-colleague last night. it was nice talking to him. ha ha!!! missed him so much!

went dwn town. had a nice walked. tried on frames and had lunch and bragged about things. my honey a lovely person. tried on many shades til we died and lived again. wanted to go down bugis bt didnt and went dwn suntec instead. got a lovely surprised from tj and hey! got some limitations to that surprise too. ~haiz/. bt it was oh so nice. i lurved it. i feel bad at times bt i lurved those times and those times are the times i need badly during the boring times and when all good times get together, the times are jz sometimes too much and times to be wasted sometimes gets to be precious and u'll start missing out de times where u have the times. i love playing with words. they jz sound so stupid.

i'm an idiot.

went back. get to drink HL milk. make anothr sin. ate 2 chicken sausages from de small stall at yishun interchange. came back, showered, clean off de red nail polish on my nails. were to red, i admitted but i was jz trying out. than off to my big tv and watch Boys & Girls. havent got anything much to do yet since i've last minuted decided to wwatch a movie on tv. and i watched Boys & Girls. it was boring when i watched it last time and watched it onli half. and now, i watched it all. til it finishes. it's nice movie. and next week is Election. Reese Witherspoon and Matthew Broderick and Kevin Kline. i thk that's his name. Kevin Kline.

i am so hot that i am going to tie my hair right now.....