Tuesday, January 31, 2006


staybing home realli is a bore. I wonder how many people survies....

speechless.... no title ar!

im getting kinda freezing right now. it's realli windy outside that im getting cold. did i mention that twice? anyway, Something's Gotta Give kinda getting little too irritated for me, gotta change de channel. Haha!! turned on CSI for yammie.

Oh damn! I have not washed the dishes.... Gotta do it after this b4 I go off to bed.

I'm starting to miss someone. I don't know which one but I am certain that is that one and not that other one. I wonder why because I'm still enjoying this like I don't want to go back into that other life for a new start of another thing again. You know what I mean.

Okay whatever!

I'm getting the itch again. I feel like cutting fringe again but then again I guess not because i might just regret it and I might jz keep on whine about it as de heat might cause some pop-outs on my forehead.
Anyway, asked fida out for coffee as I was bored. the other dae, onli went to macdonald's since onli fast foods are opened. at coffee bean~boat quay, sat there from like 1930hrs, fireworks came on at ard 2132hrs and when I see the time, it was 2323hrs! I was like realli surprised that me and fida got up and went off back! haha!!
Got really hungry. Took my dinner once i reached home. finished up pasta and gotta do the washing after this before gg off to bed.

did i just repeated the same line?

me and yammie exchanged handphones. but, we got too stuck to our lovely phones that we re-changed back to our own phones. haha!!! i want a flip-phone. I miss using one. Thanks to The O.C. ar! bloody-hell! make me want to have flip-phone again!

I really want one!!!! tsktsktsk!!!

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Siti Sarinah & Siti Saiyidah <- wat a titLe ->

okay, seriously I forgot what year this is but I remember my uncle and mom already rented a van and so we took it for a trip to kota tinggi at last minute..

dis one was last yr, 2005, hari raya. haha!!

..and this was few days back. yr 2006. went to see Mocca at Esplanade. Haha!!

Saturday, January 28, 2006

work was crazy. it was all wack tacky facky sacky haha! whatever you want to call it. haha! i even did facial mask a work! haha! u knw how cool is that. and since we did it i de production floor, we used the cold water from de water cooler to clean off my face but which later on i went to de toilet to thoroughly washed off and touch up again.
had chocolates and durian brownies which i find it unexpected but alreadi half in my mouth. things went on and it was realli fun to be all secretive and all. i was realli looking forward to 5.30pm to go off and when it's 5.30pm, i was going off happily! haha!!!

Met yammie and shidah and shasha for Mocca's gig at de outdoor stage of Esplanade and after de fireworks goes off in de middle of de performance, our stomachs starts singing louder that we went to Makansutra to have a bite.

Everything was expensive that we shared de half bottle of mineral water that I still had. Haha!! But it was fun la yesterdae. It was fun fun fun. Wackoey ar!

Thursday, January 26, 2006


down low, ur slow. high above, ur in love. in d middle, ur d fiddle. <-got that from shasha's bLog. i loike dt.

why does everybody have to be around me so suddenly? why am i suddenly getting all the attentions that i wanted before? i do notwant it now cuz i don't feel like having it now. get away from me you lot! go away! seriously, i need my own time and i do it when i like it. who are you lot to say of me when you don't even know what i am going through!?

you!!! you are so irritating me that i am irritated of you right now. i've known ur true intention and i realli am looking down upon you right veri now. i cant see u as a fren right now although i am trying to be one. but nw u've proved me wrong and that's it. im out of de question forever!

and you so are the one very sweet ppl. u hv sound so shweet dt it melted me well. well, you you you are so you. i have nothing much to say. i am so happy and appreciate everything you've done. you knw i would be there for you too. you're now like my shining star. haha!! cant believe i said that. im so happy whenever hear for thee.

you are always there for me. before. not now. now, u still have that energy to help me around. i am glad that im still visible to you. im glad u still do wnt to keep in contact with me. u still hear my voice from afar and you still know what's going on even when i dn even knw how to start or end it. of wow! what can i say? you are making me miserable but do you knw when you are not anywhere near me, i feel at ease. i am so sorry but that is how i felt.

i have 3 weeks left. i am like being in amazing race trying to get that prize before everything ended. what should happen to me when that 3 weeks ended? what would happen to me if i just have to rot in de cell without any backups helping me? people say it'll be easy on me even if im not out there, well, i don't think so! like! hah! harLOw!

i am trying my best in everything right now although my body and soul and bones are dangling in that hell every half of de day and singing out songs of crapiness and madness of everything mixing into one head. bla bla bla.... goodnight!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006


I'm feeling guilty. I am trying very hard. i am so sorry if i've did anything wrong but i don't want to use you. i am your friend and you are my friend. i hope you do understand.

.....gurlz having fun
everybody seems to be updating and i have not! haha!! i get kinda too lazy nowadays. I've been feeling bored and sick of everything.
de kenduri that day was realli so much fun. we had a blast. everybody was tired and stuck down there that we couldnt anything much but to laugh at stupid lame jokes and talked about anything we dislike or like or whatever. sucks right! I don't know what the hell i am babbling.

Watched Victoria Secret's fashion show last night and Ricky Martin's Drop It On Me is really nice. I love the song. Makes me want to move my body! Oh yeah! And there was one part of the show where the models were walking down the runway, Aaron Carter's I Want Candy was played. It sound so wrong but it was remix so I sounded kinda okay to be played on the runway with models wearing kinky lingeries. Haha!!

Dad bought Howl's Moving Castle dvd. He bought Legend Of Zorro too. Think I'm gonna go in my room and watch the Howl's Moving Castle. Oh yay!

Friday, January 20, 2006

This Is ME

Does your name begin with: S
For you, it is pleasure before business. You can be romantically idealistic to a fault and is capable of much sensuality. But you never loose control of your emotions. Once you make the commitment you stick like glue. You could get jealous and possessive. You tend to be very selfish often regarding yourself as the only human being on the planet.. You like being the centre of attention. You are very caring sensitive, private & sometimes very passive. Turned on by soft lights, romantic thoughts. When it gets down to the nitty-gritty, you are an expert. You know all the little tricks of the trade, can play any role, or any game, and take your love life very seriously. You don't fool around. You have the patience to wait for the rightperson to come along. You are very generous & giving, often selfless.
You are kind nature & sweet which is found to be attractive by many. You are a good friend.

Stubborn and hard-hearted Strong-willed and highly motivated Sharp thoughts Easily angered Attracts others and loves attention Deep feelings Beautiful physically and mentally Firm standpoint Easily influenced Needs no motivation Easily consoled Systematic (left brain)
Loves to dream Strong clairvoyance Understanding Sickness usually in the ear and neck Good imagination Good debating skills Good physical Weak breathing Loves literature and the arts loves travelling Dislike being at home restless Not having many children Hardworking High spirited Spendthrift


Turn ons
Stability and dependability characterize Taurus. They like people who can blend and grow with them. If you have a Taurus partner you should appreciate all things bright and beautiful. They have an inherent artistic sense and are fond of color and music. Judge the life ith them from purely materialistic point of view. Enjoy everything luxurious that money can provide. Enjoy good food (better if you can cook to please them) and good drinks with them.

Turn offs
Taurus is very slow to anger (in fact you may s pend the whole life with them and still no spark) but you should not push your luck too much. Being unreasonable or aggressive with them may get you into trouble. Do not press him into a corner and if you do be prepared for a violent rage. Taurus is capable of violent outbursts though this is on very rare occasions. If you have a roving eye forget it because Taurus have can take the cake when it comes to being possessive. They can be suffocating when being possessive about you.

Thursday, January 19, 2006


Nick Carter. I don't know what's with me and him.... Good thing he's not with Paris Hilton anymore but oh boy! Watched him in 8 Simple Rules of Dating my Wife, or I think that's what the title is, he's so cute.

Got loads of chocolates at work. Yummy...

i miss you - im thinking of another you - im happy with you - im excited with another you

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


edited my layout... hehehe... it was raining heavy again just now!

Monday, January 16, 2006

Leavin' On A Jetplane

I'm ... I'm ... All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go, I'm standin' here outside your door, I hate to wake you up to say goodbye But the dawn is breakin', it's early morn, he taxi's waitin', he's blowin' his horn, Already I'm so lonesome I could die So kiss me and smile for me, Tell me that you'll wait for me, Hold me like you'll never let me go 'Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane, I don't know when I'll be back again, Oh, babe, I hate to go I'm ... There's so many times I've let you down, So many times I've played around, I'll tell you now, they don't mean a thing Every place I go, I think of you, Every song I sing, I sing for you, When I come back I'll wear your wedding ring So kiss me and smile for me, Tell me that you'll wait for me, Hold me like you'll never let me go 'Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane, I don't know when I'll be back again, Oh, babe, I hate to go Now the time has come to leave you, One more time, oh, let me kiss you, And close your eyes and I'll be on my way Dream about the days to come, When I won't have to leave alone, About the times that I won't have to say ... Oh, kiss me and smile for me, Tell me that you'll wait for me, Hold me like you'll never let me go 'Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane, I don't know when I'll be back again, Oh, babe, I hate to go And I'm leaving on a jet plane, I don't know when I'll be back again, Oh, babe, I hate to go But I'm leaving on a jet plane, (Ah ah ah ah) Leaving on a jet plane (Ah ah ah ah) Leaving on a jet plane
Thanks to Hasni dear, now I'm hooked to Leavin' On A Jetplane.... haha!! ... & dad came to me talking about his retrenched at Sime Darby and how late granddad got him to work temporarily at the American School while they were having a concert... So, what's de conclusion of the story? The kids in the concert were singing Leavin' On A Jetplane... haha!!! Oh! Did I mention that I have the 'N Sync version too?... Yes, I have... haha!! Anyway, that lizard which I snapped its tail back then, it keeps appearing like every morning... is it coming back to haunt me?

Sunday, January 15, 2006

upside down... turn it UP!

okay, my Saturday seems to have turned to Sunday. I slept like early le on Friday night. About mn like that la, but in between I woke up cuz of the coldness and some smses. I woke up at 10am on de dot. Couldnt go back to sleep. So, I woke up, had breakfast, went on to the net and by 3pm, I felt kinda sleepy. Aiyoh! read book, fall asleep lor... Went on to sleep until almost 11pm. Bloody hell!! Woke up, watched tv, see Robert De Niro died and how cute Edward Burns is, shower, watched tv, read my book, washed blanket, eat and then... continue reading book again. Haha!! By 3am, go to sleep and today, 9am woken up by an incoming sms. Cannot go back sleep liao. So, wake up and file my nails. Hehe!! Been wanting to do it for a long time already and finally I did it! Haha!! Like big achievement like that.

It's dad's turn compaying mom to the market. Guess they're buying lots of heavy stuffs.

Looks like I'm gonna be awake the whole day today and I hope I can sleep earli tonight and wake up early tomorrow morning.

Teacher Aishah cut off her hair alreadi! Look nicey! I've been wanting to cut it short again but I don't want to regret again so this time, I'm gonna keep it long long long long......

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Reunited once agaiN!

Early morning already, make me pissed off! I'm already feeling sian and just because you more sian doesnt mean you can vent it on me! Halo! When I'm sian, I would not pass it on to you le! I tell you why I sian. Okay, I made a mistake, but one small silly mistake, you're trying to be fussy about it. What are you trying to do? Giving me my own medicine isit!?


But, I really thank you on your gift. I love it!

Full Metal Alchemist final conclusion. Almost brought me to tears. I'm gonna be a little spoil a bit. The brothers got back together! Yay! They got back together! They are back together! I thought they are not gonna be together again and Alphonse Elric grown up character look really cute! He looked just like Edward Elric. Yay! They got back together! Yay!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

tick tock....

i swaer once i have money, i'll go back down to chinatown and do some shopping but that will have to be done in the day la because at night there'll be more people and it means more crowded. it's like worse than geylang la, but it's like Petaling St in KL bu aiyah! forget it la.
Went down to Chinatown for an interview. No sun today again but walking through Terenganu St, Pagoda St, Temple St was such a breeze. looking at those items being sold at the bazaar without feeling hot or pespiring, it was such a breeze. the wind blowing onto my face and my hair blown back. oh yes! i feel so good.
after the interview, i was hoping that it'll rain so hard and hope it'll be like the other days back then. I dn knw why. I wasnt just satisfied enough. Does working in chinatown mean so cheap?

Fuck it.

Going back to work tomorrow. Fucking sian. I don't like it. I thought I said I will just go to any job I could so that I could still have an income but why am I feeling unsatisfied? Oh my! I'm bad. Am I?
O levels results would only comes out in Feb/Mar for the private candidates, which is really taking a very long time. Oh well, I better not be complaining much and just take whatever comes in the way. Havent I told meself not to waste time anymore?
I still havent told dad that I've already tendered resignation at me current job and am looking for another job right now. I don't know if he really don't know or if mom has told him. I find it kinda hard to tell him. Sometimes, I find him to be really... urgh! Don't know what to say ar.

Should I eat now?
Nobody's online. So boring. the Amins having problem with the net again isit?

Man, which one should I watch later? Along Came Polly or America's Next Top Model? Mom wnts to cut off HBO. but I want it. So, when I get a job again, I'm gonna retake HBO and than I'm gonna add in Star Movies too.

Oh, Happy 17th Birthday to dearie Siti Nuraihan and Happy 18th Birthday to dearer Muhd Sufyan. Stay positive you 2. Stay Positive? Souns old skool. Oh well. Just go on the wrong track and don't waste your parents money. Alright. Waste only yours.

I'm starting to hate Friendster. It's lagging all the time. I hate it. Want to log out also lagging. Friendster is such a lagger man!

Monday, January 09, 2006


went to work, received my 5 years Long Service Award. And yes, I know what would I be receiving. A Sovil Titus watch. It's nice. Sweet and simple I must say. Mom liked it. Haha!! Told her she could have it if she wants it. Thought of exchanging it with my colleague cuz she got the blue one while I got the purple one. But when I looked at her blue, I thought, my purple's nicer. Hehe!!

Weather still as cold and monsoon as de last 4 days. Straight. Non-stop. Onli lighter than heavier than lighter than heavier again. Went my way to the library today, hoping that it won't close early as it's an eve of a public holiday. It's hari Raya haji tomorrow yup.

Came back, helped mom with the clearings in the kitchen as well as helping her preparing some things. The onions, the prawns and Dia. Haha!! Watched Dia cuz mom was watching it. Oh man! Although it's already season 3 now, the story is still as sickening as I remembered on de season 1 and 2. I mean, not sickening as I hate it but the characters of the drama realli makes u wnt to slap them or hate them or hit them or whatever la.

Anyway, I'm doing half of de laundries now. Will hang it out tomorrow morning la. Than, left abit of cleaning in the kitchen. Leaving it to yammie to finish it.

It's realli cool when u have you have ur aunts and uncles on MSN... haha!!!

Sunday, January 08, 2006

/meNanGis semLm

finally felt sleepy ard 0500hrs. Had a realli nice dream but later woken up an incoming sms as de rain gets heavier and heavier and non-stop. sms came in from tj saying he's leaving and telling me to take care. i was like, huh!? i remembered he was leaving for HK. hehe!! can't wait for more goodies!

woken up by mom at 1000hrs. Went to Tekka's wet market. It's been zillion years since i've been there. And like before, mom, just put the things bought one side and asked me to wait while she get more stuffs. I'd already promised her I'll company her but was feeling kinda unwilling with the rain going on heavy non-stop, i had no choice but to get up and followed her. Well, was standing in front of a meat stall where there was no one at all, for onli a second i ran off due to the foul smell. But when I was walking pass those stalls of beefs, muttons, chickens, fishes... haha!! When I'm married, I'm gonna bring my kids to those wet markets too! Yes! The tekka one. I remember going there dn knw hw mne zillion times. With mom, with grandma. And with late grandpa last time, always get something to eat one le! hehe!!

Feeling kinda sleepy now. Don't know want to slp or not. The mussels are being soaked in de water right now. Mom said to leave it like that. Okay lor.

Oh man....!!! ....miss him

Thursday, January 05, 2006

juz for fuN!

daNciNg aLoNE

i'm sorry i cried today. i wasnt being a good girl i almost totally forgot where i stand now. i'm sorry. i hope you understand.

went off from work, drenched, few minutes later, the rain just stopped. ridiculous. totally making me wnt to kill the weather. Only if I could.
My jeans were wet all the way and I was feeling the discomfort when I got to my destination. waited for another 45 mins than I went on to the office that I need to. Went for the interview. For the 1st time, I was in the interview for total of 2 hours. Well, I had to do some tests also la. Interviewed by 2 people individually and as the time goes by, I was freezing sick. I walked out of the building and the wind was strong. The river and sea? well, are just right behind the building. I smsed fida before that that I could see her workplace from the meeting room i'm in. Took the bus back home and again in the aircon, freezing! And my head starts spinning. I am feeling dizzy.
Reached home, showered, saw Ashlee Simpson's L.O.V.E. mv, ate, watched tv, lied down, update blog... offLine

"Listening to Kuch Kuch Hota Hai"

Came back to work. As usual. Arrived at 0750hrs in the morning. Sat at thestaircase together with the same 2 guys, sebastian and oj. just like how wewere yesterday night. We were sitting right in front of a clinic which I'vechecked is under our company's. So, I thought, why not the 3 of us go in andget an MC but thinking, see how la. This morning, Sebastian came to mesaying he still feel bad due to his flu and OJ was complaining that his backis aching and his arm is aching. I told them both, yesterday the clinic wasjust right in front of us and why have none of us not gone in.

Work was bored. Beat up by tj again. Oh man! I was just doing a re-enactmentof meself to OJ yesterday. Due to vulgars were involved. Haha!! My banglewas thrown off and temporarily confiscated.

The big pimple on my forehead, on mah! Why does it have to be on theforehead again! TJ put on the pimple cream for me, he was laughing andeverything cuz he said it was like a bindhi already. Chey! An original grown bindhi I have.

Accompanied OJ for his cny shopping, along with sebas!. Got some chocolates from Sebas and Coffee Bean by OJ hehe!!! It was realli fun going out with them. It's been such a long time. Saw a jacket at Esprit. Tried it on and damn it look good. Sebas thought so too. Gonna bring him along when I'm gonna get it as can get some discount with his Esprit Visa. hehe!! Gotta get more shirts too at Factory Outlet. The place to get shirts. Haha!! That's what I think la.
Checked out the place where I'm suppose to go for interview tomorrow. Got the idea where it is already and how to get there, But no harm getting there earlier! Hehe!! In case I get lost.
People are hinting me to stay but I've made up my mind. Sigh. I don't know.I just got to think straight now. I can't live on people anymore. Thinking of it, I'm totally broke now.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Old times... Good times....

Okay, so basically this might not be the way to start a book. Buy hey! I am not starting a book. I am just typing out whatever I feel like typing on my blog. I am a single Asian woman, aged 24 which am going to be 25 years of age soon and I believe am getting older, not younger and there is no time to waste anymore. Well, I feel I have wasted my life long enough. At the age of 18, I wasted my parent money. At the age of 20 I got a permanent job and I wasted the money on
spending. A lot.

At the age of 22, got into a puppy love relationship with a Chinese-Malaysian guy and ended after one and a half year. Got sad and befriended another Chinese guy. Apparently, he is Malaysian too but became a Singapore PR. Got into a relationship, which I know, that will not last long but with a crazy hope in mind, I went on with it. Ended a year later with a guilt feeling and a terrible feeling.

Tried losing weight. Went for a jog, took a visit to the gym. Lose a little but later gained a little more after that due to certain circumstances.

Went back to school too. Took up part-time studies on ‘O’ level courses. Took on 5 subjects. English Language, Elementary Mathematics, Combined Science (Physics/Chemistry), Malay Language and History. It was really giving me a hard time. Skipping Physics classes, which I regretted later. Skipped English Language because it was boring. Went to every Mathematics class and got to know a really cool gal there and were stuck onto each other for a while. Chemistry class was fun when doing all those experiments. Learned them and I did well in the practical exam, which I hope I did. Oh well. Stopped going to History classes too and did my own readings. Only that when the time came, I found myself sitting for History paper, alone! Yes!

2005 ending and it was a bad ending. Not really all so bad but I managed to have more time for my friends and family. I went on a last minute Genting trip with Fida dear on the 1st 3 days of fasting month. Went on to Tambun water theme park at Perak with Uncle Jasman and wife and friends and cousin, Teacher Aishah. It was really fun! And the best part was that we ended up being in Cameron Highland for the 1st time. It was amazing and due to the rainy season, the coldness was really freezing. Came back Singapore feeling mpv-lagged and down with fever and sore throat. It was sickening. I hate it. I even start wearing contact lenses to beautify myself and went on putting on eyeliners like nobody business again.

Went back to work with the Stock-take going on. It was all going on smoothly but slow as many time were wasted….

Reminiscing (is that the right spelling?) back, there were many good times but at the same time, too many sorrows that I had just kept for too long. Keeping them for so long has made me really unbearable of the going on around me.

So, I hope, for this 2006, something will happen. Not the bad, but the good. I hope something good will happen. I just have to stop making stupid mistakes and not waste anymore time. I am not going to make any resolutions because they don’t really work on me.

I really should have type all this out even before the New Year starts but hey! It’s only the 3rd January 2006 and I am not even at work. Oh well, Happy New Year too all!

And oh! I want a new phone and I got my eyes set on a piece of LG's P7200....

Monday, January 02, 2006

more metLing

yammie called me back to the room! Shah Rukh Khan, Hrithik Roshan and wives at Koffee with Karan. Seeing the end credits, it's actally a year 2004 show.

take a BreaK

went out to Zuraidah's engagement and it was freaking hot! The sun was shininy so damn bringhtly and luckily there were shades when I walked through the carpark. Waited for Nana and when she same, oh boy! she's shorten her hair le! Missed her with the long hair actually though. But her hair looks dry still even after treatment. Looks kinda really frizzy. Sorry Nana, but it's the truth. Met up with Sallyn and family the Zuraidah's.
Zuraidah looks the same still and for the 1st time, I'm, I mean, we're seeing her with make-up. Haha!! When I look at her, reminded me of my yellow eyeshadow. Havent worn them for long tim. Haha!!
Went to get baby pressie's for Siti's little girl whom which has just gone out of her mother's womb 3 weeks ago. When we got in Northpoint, the weather was hot. Freaking hot. But when we got looked out, it was raining. Freaking heavy cats and dogs. Nana got some t-shirts at OP and they seem to have nicer designs now. Havent been there to get any tees. Gonna get some soon and more shirts at Factory Outlet. Stumbled upon one when I was out with me cous the other day.
After Siti's, went off to airport for Popeye. Didn't go back to change. With my black kebaya on, I went straight to airport. Hoping to see Lindsay before that but I got there kinda late so, went straight to Popeye, meeting Fida and Lianne there. Was really freaking hungry. I just don't know what happened to me but I seem to be hungry today.

Oh boy!!!

Teacher Aishah! Don't melt too much k... Cuz, I'll be melting too! Haha!! OK! Whatever!


The strongness is there! Haha!! Lameness... Duh! Whatever!

Ok! Crap! madness! Shut up!

Mom, realli, enough already!

Sunday, January 01, 2006

New Year - 2006

Happy new year to everybody. My friends, my family, my colleagues, my whoever who knows me la! My memoirs of 2005 are best to be forgotten as the very sweet thing are the needles that are pricking my heart.
2006 is here, I hope something good will happen to me and the same to all of you out there.

I bet all of you had agreat new year out there. Like every year, I would spend it at home, watching tv or sleeping. Haha!!! My plasma was being good yesterday that I get to watched 13 Going 30. Yup! It's a nice sweet movie. Than there was Blair Witch 2 on ch5 but I didnt watch it. It was kinda scary. And watching Micheal Jackson Number Ones on Star World. I was thinking on how scared I was everytime I watched Thriller. haha!! I was a kid then! And finally, while the new year comes, I celebrated it by watching Harry Potter And The Prisoner of Azkaban on HBO. Muaahaha!!! Too tired after that that I felt asleep.

Going to a friend's engagement later and meeting another friend who has just given birth to a baby girl. yay!

Wonder what to do now. I can't go back to sleep. Another not working day tomorrow. So sian....